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A recent count from the sex offender registry link at The Texas Department of Public Safety,
( ) has shown the following counts:


Collin County         476 registered sex offenders


Dallas County     3839 registered sex offenders


Denton County     447 registered sex offenders


Tarrant Count    2600 registered sex offenders


TOTAL:        7362 registered sex offenders


Those four counties do not even cover all of the Dallas – Fort Worth (DFW) metroplex.

With more than 7362 registered sex offenders in the DFW area, it is imperative that you teach your children safety tips to prevent childhood sexual abuse.


If you need more information about how to teach your child about sexual abuse prevention, please contact Kathy Broady LCSW or .


There are many things you can do to reduce the risks of your children being targeted by a sexual predator.

Reduce the Risk.

As a concerned and protective parent, educate yourself about the facts related to sexual abuse.

  • Abusers often try to earn the trust of potential victims and their families.  This enables them to more easily gain time alone with the children.  Abusers are drawn to settings where they can easily gain access to children: schools, sports leagues, clubs, etc.
  • More than 80 percent of sexual abuse cases happen in one-adult/one-child situations. Think carefully before leaving your child alone with one adult. If possible, seek out group situations instead. If you can’t avoid leaving your child in a one-adult/one-child situation, drop in unexpectedly.
  • Know the adults that your children come into contact with regularly since a sexual abuser could be among them. Ask questions about your children’s teachers, counselors and coaches if you have any concerns.
  • Monitor your children’s internet use. Abusers may use the internet as a tool to interact privately with children, with the ultimate goal of luring children into physical contact.


Communicate openly with your children:

  • Open, honest communication may be the best sexual abuse prevention tip. Communication, early and often, about sex and sexual abuse may decrease your child’s vulnerability to abuse and increase the chance they will tell you if they are abused.
  • Always talk to your children about their daily activities. Show interest in their feelings. Encourage them to share their concerns and problems with you. Stay in close touch with your child so you will be aware if something changes in his or her life.
  • Teach your children about the body, what abuse is, and about sex. Teach them words that will help them feel comfortable discussing sex with you.
  • Explain that no one has the right to touch them in a way that makes them uncomfortable, including adults whom they know and trust. Explain that it is okay to set limits on others who overstep boundaries.
  • Teach your children that it’s your job to protect them, and that you can protect them only if they tell you when something is wrong. Explain that people who hurt children may tell the children to keep it a secret. They may tell the children their parents will not believe them. They might threaten to hurt the parents if the child shares the secret. Teach your children that adults who say that are wrong, and that your children can share anything with you.
  • Understand how children communicate.
  • Children may communicate in a roundabout way by saying something such as, “I don’t like to be alone with Mr. Jones.” They may tell parts of what happened or pretend it happened to someone else to test an adult’s reaction.
  • Children who do disclose abuse may tell an adult other than a parent.
  • If adults respond emotionally or negatively to a disclosure, children will stop talking.
  • Make sure your children understand that if someone does make them feel uncomfortable or confused, you will not blame them. Reassure your children that sexual abuse is never the fault of the children.



Protect your children.  Be proactive in reducing the risk of your children being targetted by sexual predators.

If you live in the northern Dallas Texas area, and you would like more information or assistance with these issues, please contact Kathy Broady LCSW or .

If you live in Texas, do you know how many sex offenders are located in your local neighborhood?

If not, you can find this information for free through the Texas Sex Offender Registration Program.

Pursuant to Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Art. 62.005, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) establishes this website [TxDPS Sex Offender Registry] as the official internet public access to the DPS sex offender registration computerized central database.

All information on individual registrants is based on registration information submitted by Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Texas Youth Commission, or various local criminal justice agencies….

All information provided through this website is open record. It may be used by anyone for any purpose….


While the official count is constantly changing, according to this website, the following lists show the approximate numbers of registered sex offenders living in Dallas and ten of the northern Dallas suburbs at this time:

Allen Texas          40
Carrollton Texas          93
Dallas Texas          2482
Farmers Branch Texas          15
Flower Mound          18
Frisco Texas          22
Garland Texas          280
Lewisville Texas          68
Plano Texas          118
Richardson Texas          31
The Colony Texas          22


Those numbers are absolutely staggering!!!

Dallas Texas and 10 northern suburbs of Dallas are currently reporting approximately 3189 registered sex offenders.

That’s 3189 sex offenders within less than one hour drive from each other.

Plus, we know that most sex offenders are not caught immediately, and we know that over 30% of the children abused do not disclose their abuse to anyone.

Consequences of child sexual abuse begin affecting children and families immediately. They also affect society in innumerable and negative ways. These effects can continue throughout the life of the survivor so the impact on society for just one survivor continues over multiple decades. Try to imagine the impact of 39 million survivors.



Do you know what to do to protect your children from being a victim of sexual crimes?

It is imperative that all parents of young children learn more about how to protect their children.  Remember, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse is:

  • 1 in 4 girls is sexually abused before the age of 18
  • 1 in 6 boys is sexually abused before the age of 18


Sexual predators rely on parents not knowing, not caring, or not believing their children.  As a society, we can undermine the manipulative power of these violent offenders by preparing ahead of time and actively learning more about preventive safety and protection.

I strongly encourage all parents to make it a priority to learn more about ways to protect your children from the horrors of sexual abuse.  With education, and attention, you can make a significant difference in the lives of your children.


If you live in the northern Dallas Texas area, and you would like more information or assistance with these issues, please contact Kathy Broady LCSW or .

I’ve gathered a variety of information from a variety of sources to show the prevalence and seriousness childhood sexual abuse (CSA).  The stats aren’t exactly the same from source to source, but regardless of any small discrepancies, the numbers are still staggering.

The bottom line is that there is far too much sexual abuse in our communities.

An important element of protective parenting is being aware of this reality.  Automatically assuming your child is safe from sexual predators is dabbling in dangerous denial.  All parents must be fully aware that their own children are at as much risk as the next child.

Please note:  Your children are at the greatest risk from someone they already know.  Most children are not abused in “stranger danger” situations.

Once you truly understand how serious the risks are, it will become vitally clear to teach your children various prevention tips.

Your child’s safety matters!

  • Every day in the United States four children die as a result of abuse and neglect.  During 2006, 227 Texas children died as a direct result of abuse or neglect. (DFPS 2006 Data Book)
  • Every ten seconds a child is victimized by abuse or neglect.  During 2006, in the State of Texas, 67,737 children were confirmed to have been victimized by abuse. Closer to home, in Collin County there were 4,155 children alleged to have been abused and 1090 children confirmed as abused. (DFPS 2006 Data Book)
  • Prevent Child Abuse America reports that each year the (direct and indirect) cost of child abuse and neglect in the United States is in excess of $94 billion.
  • A National Call to Action states that the rate of child abuse is ten times the rate of cancer.
  • Almost 96% of children victimized by abuse know their offender; accordingly, less than 4% of children are victimized by a stranger.
  • In Dallas County Texas a child is abused every eleven seconds.
  • 33% of girls are sexually abused before the age of 18.
  • 16% of boys are sexually abused before the age of 18.
  • One in three sexual assault victims is under the age of 12.
  • 43% of sexual assault victims are ages 6 and younger
  • 34% of sexual assault victims are ages 7 to 11.
  • 61% of female sexual assault victims are under 18.
  • 83% of sexually abused boys are under age 12
  • 26% of sexually abused boys are under age 6.
  • In most cases, the child knew the sex offender. With girls, 29% were relatives and 60% were acquaintances. With boys, 16% were relatives and 44% were acquaintances.
  • Physical force was not used in two-thirds of incestuous abuse.
  • For 60% of “sexually active” girls under the age of 14, their only sexual experience has been a sexual assault.
  • Children who grow up in a family where there is domestic violence are 8 times more likely to be sexually abused within that family.
  • 90 to 95% of all sexual abuse cases are never reported to the police.
  • Sexual abuse accounts for 13% of substantiated cases reported to local Departments of Social Services.
  • Fabricated sexual abuse reports constitute 1 to 4% of reported cases. Of this, 75% of reports are by adults and 25% are by children.




If you have any questions about these issues, please contact Kathy Broady LCSW at .

I am in the Dallas, Texas area, and there are a number of Child Advocacy Centers here.  These advocacy centers are some of the best resources available, especially for providing the initial forensic interview with children, and providing proper guidance for steps through the subsequent legal issues.

The Children’s Advocacy Center of Denton County has the following article on their website.   It’s highly informative, so I want to include it here as well:


A Parents Guide to Detecting and Responding to Possible Abuse

Sexual abuse of children is a widespread and tragic problem — affecting children of all ages and from all walks of life. Children may be abused by strangers…but that is rare. More often, they are abused by someone they know and trust: a relative, friend, scout leader, parent, neighbor, coach, baby sitter. Sexual abuse is not usually a violent act. The child is involved in “games” or seduction over a period of time.

It is also a secret problem-children often do not tell anyone. Sometimes they don’t say anything because they don’t want to upset their parents or are so very embarrassed. Children often think-and are told-that what is happening is their own fault. Or they may believe that on one cares what happens to them. They might be frightened by the abuser’s threats to harm family members if the child tells “the secret.” Young children may not even know there is something to tell; they are taught to respect and obey adults, who “know best.”

Then, how can I know if my child has been sexually abused?

Because it is hard for most of us to even think about the possibility that our children could have been sexually abused, it is important to know the physical signs and changes in your child’s behavior that might indicate they have been. These are “warning signals.” While there are causes other than sexual abuse for many of these signs, they should arouse concern and be looked into.


Physical Signs.

Any of these signs should lead you to take your child for a medical exam. Whether or not they are the result of sexual abuse, they should be medically treated.

  • Irritated or itching genitals or anus
  • Pain or injury to areas of the genitals or the mouth
  • Urinary infection, difficulty with urination
  • Unusual and offensive odors
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Vaginal or penile discharge
  • Pregnancy
  • Venereal disease (children cannot catch venereal disease from nonsexual means.)


Changes in Behavior.

Often there are no physical signs when a child has been sexually abused. Behavior changes are more common. For example:

  • Reluctance or fear of a person or certain places, such as showers and washrooms.
  • Clinging, anxious, irritable behavior.
  • Going back to babyish habits like thumb sucking.
  • Sudden self-consciousness about genitals.
  • Fear of examinations of the mouth.
  • Sudden interest in other’s genitals, sexual acts and sexual words.
  • Sexual behavior that is inappropriate for the child’s age.
  • Acting out sexual or abusive behavior with toys, animals or people.
  • Nightmares, bedwetting, fear of the dark, difficulty falling asleep, or other new fears.
  • Increase or decrease in appetite.
  • Drawings that are scary or use a lot of black and red.
  • Vehement over-reaction when the child is questioned about being touched.


What if I’m just not sure?

The one most reliable and most common sign of sexual abuse is that the child says so. You may need to “open the door” for your child to tell you. Sometimes children talk in a “roundabout” way and you have to listen carefully for the clues. For example, “I don’t like to be alone with Mrs. Smith” or “Mr. Jones acts funny with me.”

Be careful not to plant ideas in the child’s mind or to suggest what you expect to hear. You will get further, and get a more accurate example, “Something is bothering you. Can you tell me about it?” “I’d like to know more about this.” Be very patient; take plenty of time; don’t push and prod.

Stay as calm as possible. Children often stop talking if they think that what they are saying makes you upset. You may need to have your child examined by a doctor or talk to a counselor who specializes in child sexual abuse. (Your local law enforcement office and Child Abuse Council can help with referrals.)


What if my child does tell me about being sexually abused?

  • Believe your child. Accept what your child tells you; don’t deny or ignore it. If in doubt, err on the child’s side.
  • Allow your child to talk, but don’t press. If you insist that your child tell you over and over about the specifics, she or he may clam up and may not be able to explain as well to authorities who need to be involved.
  • Protect your child immediately from the suspected offender. You can start repairing the damage at once by assuring your child that the abuse will not continue. Assure your child that it is not his or her fault, that you are glad she or he told, and that there are many people who will help your family.
  • While reassuring that you will do everything you can to protect your child, don’t promise anything that you can’t control. For example, don’t promise that the offender will go to jail-or won’t go to jail; the court systems has control over that.
  • Immediately report the abuse. Call 911 or the non-emergency number for local law enforcement, or call the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-252-5400


Does any of this information fit or match anything that you are seeing in your child?

If you need someone to talk to, please contact me.  You do not have to sit alone with this pain.

I understand what you and your child are going through, and I can help.


Kathy Broady LCSW

Clinical Director

When children tell adults that they were sexually abused, the three most important responses the children need to hear immediately are:

  • That you will do everything you can to protect them from ever being hurt again – Safety First!
  • That you love them, it was good for them to tell you, you are sorry they were hurt, and you will do everything you can to comfort and soothe them when they are upset.
  • That the abuse was not their fault – that they are not to blame, and the offender was very wrong for hurting them.


The long-term negative effects of childhood sexual abuse can be greatly reduced with gentle and effective intervention as quickly as possible. When a child actually tells you they were sexually abused, they are in a state of crisis that needs your attention. The child may or may not demonstrate this crisis state externally, but do not take the situation lightly, even if the child does not appear that upset about it. The child may not be able to understand or comprehend the amount of damage that was done to them via the sexual abuse, and thus may not be expressing a crisis demeanor outwardly.

As the adult, you may already know that childhood sexual abuse (CSA) has very serious long-term effects on a child unless it is properly addressed.  If not, please see .  Research and learn more about this topic.  Do not assume that sexual abuse can simply be forgotten or ignored.

The damaging effects of sexual abuse are significantly reduced for a child who receives proper attention after the disclosure compared with a child whose needs were ignored at the time.

It is important to report this disclosure of child abuse to the proper authorities as quickly as possible. You may have trouble finding a counselor or therapist who is willing to get involved in a pre-legal situation. If you are uncomfortable with making the report to the child protection agency yourself, you can make an appointment with your child’s medical doctor or pediatrician.  Informing the doctor of the sexual abuse disclosure will put the doctor in the position of being required to call the authorities. All physicians and mental health professionals are required by law to call about suspected sexual abuse – they do not have to have proof that it happened. A suspicion of abuse is all that is required.

Another highly valuable option is to contact your local Child Advocacy Center.  These agencies are staffed with professionals that are knowledgeable and fully prepared to do forensics interviews.

Once the abuse of your child is officially reported, the authorities will speak with you and your child as quickly as they can. Your local authorities can guide you on what is and is not recommended for you to do at this point.  Be sure to check!

It is important for you to go through the proper channels of reporting sexual abuse in case you need to follow through with formal legal protection for your child from the perpetrator. Make lots of phone calls to check with your local resources about the correct procedures to follow in your area. The last thing you would want to do is to mess up this protection procedure and allow the perpetrator to have continued access at hurting the child due to some messed up technicality. Remember, your first promise to the child is “Safety First!”

An important helpful hint is for you to write down as many specifics as you can immediately. Keep a running log of who said what, when, where, etc. If you see your child doing any odd or unusual behaviors, write that on a list down to discuss later with the authorities, or the child’s therapist. These behaviors may contribute to understanding what has happened.

If the child approaches you to talk more about the abuse, be there for them as supportively as you can. Be careful about purposefully soliciting information from the child while you are still in the investigation process with the authorities. Check with the authorities directly regarding how they want you to handle discussing further information about the abuse with your child. In some places, there is a fine line between offering support to the child and gathering helpful information about the abuse and “tampering with the witness.” Let your local authorities clearly explain what is and isn’t helpful for them, which ultimately goes toward helping the child.

The children that have the courage to report the abuse at an early age are an incredible little people. It is a giant process, and the internal strength required from these children is highly commendable. These children are also very fortunate in that there are lots of things that can be done to to help them at this early point.

Children do not need the negative effects of sexual abuse compiling and compounding upon them.  There are many resources available to prevent this from happening.  Addressing your child’s emotional needs as early and supportively as possible will be so very beneficial for their long-term healing.

If you need assistance with this issue, please contact a therapist that specializing in trauma and abuse.

Kathy Broady LCSW can be found in the Dallas area, or is available worldwide through .

April 2024